アンリ・マティスの額装品ポスターです。\r希少なThe hair (La chevelure) 1952です。\r20年以上前に購入し自宅で飾っていました。\r額縁は木製です。\rW:25cm 、H:30cm\r\r#マチス\r#マティス\r#アンリ・マティス\r#Matisse\r#HenriMatisse\r#TheHair\r#希少品\r#販売終了品\r#Buyee\r#マティス展\r#東京都美術館\r#matisse\r#@matisse2023\r#日曜美術館\r\rAbout the Work\rThe Blue Nudes refer to a series of cut-outs by Henri Matisse completed in 1952. They represent seated female nudes, and are among Matisse’s final body of works. The pose he finally arrived at for all four works—intertwining legs and an arm stretching behind the neck—was his favorite. The color blue signified distance and volume to Matisse. Frustrated in his attempts to successfully marry dominant and contrasting tones, the artist was moved to use solid slabs of single color early in his career, a technique that became known as Fauvism.\rタイプ...テクスチャーアート\r題材...博物画\r題材...静物画\rアーティスト...北村直登