オート脱臭】座るとすぐに「オート脱臭」! 脱臭風量アップ\r\r 泡を含んだお湯でやさしくしっかり洗浄する「エアインマインド洗浄」!\r\r すっきり便座脚で便座裏のお掃除もラクラク!\r\r 赤外線センサーが着座を検知! 非着座時の誤動作を防止!\r\rProduct introduction\r[Auto deodorization] \"Auto deodorization\" as soon as you sit down! Increased deodorization air volume\r\r\"Air in mind cleaning\" that gently and thoroughly washes with hot water containing bubbles!\r\rCleaning the back of the toilet seat is very easy with the neat toilet seat legs!\r\rInfrared sensor detects seating! Prevents malfunctions when the user is not seated!